0xSoul 发表于 2023-6-7 19:36:37

[SD 1.5][LORA]天童アリス v1.0

<p>With "original_alice, alice_halo", you can generate alice of the original clothing.</p><p>When you want to wear other clothes for her, just add "alice_halo", and lower the weight of LORA and raise the weight of clothes.</p><p>With "idol _alice", you can generate alice of idol clothing, but because the number of relevant pictures is not enough, it can play an obvious role in the version with higher numbers, and the generalization ability is general.</p><p>When you want to take off her clothes or make some NSFW, use the tag "zhuo".</p><p>用“original_alice,alice_halo”,你可以生成原版服装的alice。</p><p>当你想为她穿上别的衣服,只加入“alice_halo”,并降低LORA的权重、拉高衣服的权重。</p><p>用“idol_alice”,你可以生成偶像服装的alice,但是因为相关图片数量不够,所以在数字较高的版本中才有明显作用,而且泛化能力一般。</p><p>当你想脱她的衣服或者做一些NSFW,用“zhuo”这个tag。</p>
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