0xSoul 发表于 2023-6-7 19:23:22

[SD 1.5][LORA]Princess Zelda LoRA v1

<h2><strong>Princess Zelda LoRA</strong></h2><p><strong>Making models is expensive. Do you like what I do? Feel free to </strong><a target="_blank" rel="ugc" href="https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lykon"><strong>buy me a coffee</strong></a><strong> ☕</strong></p><p>This one turned out better then expected. I learned a couple of things and I may even retrain some of my early loras. <strong>Use it at around 0.5 weight.</strong></p><p>Activation words are <code>princess zelda</code> and game titles (no underscores), which I'm not gonna list, as you can see them from the example prompts. It tends to lean a bit towards BoTW, but it's very flexible and allows for most Zelda versions. I used CLIP skip and AbyssOrangeMix2_nsfw for all the examples. And yes, this can do nsfw pics.</p><p></p><p><strong>How to use LoRA's in auto1111:</strong></p><ul><li><p>Update webui (use <code>git pull</code> <a target="_blank" rel="ugc" href="https://www.youtube.com/embed/mn8fMF10XN4?start=31&amp;end=60">like here</a> or redownload it)</p></li><li><p>Copy the file to <code>stable-diffusion-webui/models/lora</code></p></li><li><p>Select your LoRA like in <a target="_blank" rel="ugc" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bMeyXOZwN0">this video</a></p></li><li><p><strong>Make sure to change the weight</strong> (by default it's <code>:1</code> which is usually too high)</p></li></ul>
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查看完整版本: [SD 1.5][LORA]Princess Zelda LoRA v1